“BP is flying by the seat of its pants”

That’s what Florida CFO Alex Sink says about the claims processing of British Petroleum. Read my exclusive interview with Sink on the The Daily Beast….

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Sink’s day in Pensacola

By Sean Boone Federal and state officials were in Pensacola today to address emergency efforts for the Deep Horizon oil spill bearing down on Florida’s…

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BP gets to sit on stage for WSRE

BP gets to continue its spin. Don’t expect any technical answers for a PR person. We should allow BP on the stage only the person…

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Nelson meets with BP CFO

From Nelson (I assume he called the 1-800 number to get the appointment: During a meeting I just had with the CEO of BP I…

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BP Blueprint for Pensacola

After fighting the oil giant for four years, Texas attorney Brent Coon says, “Nobody knows more about BP than we do.” Coon heads Brent Coon…

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BP’s $25 Million Insult

Yesterday’s Beast article moved from #5 to #2 – competing with Times Square bomber story. You are helping to keep the nation’s attention on the…

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BP spill: Possible Landfall at Perdido Thursday

From Chasidy Hobbs, Emerald Coastkeeper: Latest projection shows possible landfall of oil sheen in Perdido as early as Thursday. This changes everyday and keeps getting…

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Sink plays tough with BP

I do like Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink. The former president of Florida Operations at Bank of America doesn’t take much bull off of…

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Notes on Beach Town Hall meeting, May 3

Please forgive any typos in these notes. Have been operating on pots of coffee, Bud Light and NY Nick’s wings for 72 straight hours. Gulf…

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Miller wants BP to escrow funds

Congressman Jeff Miller is worried about the impact of cleaning up the BP oil spill will have on local governments that are already operating under…

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