Letter from Ron Melton

As many of you know, I have an expanding business that takes me out of town often. In the past, I was able to arrange…

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Who to watch on the Dem side?

TPMuckraker.com has identified who may be the most corrupt Democratic lawmakers in D.C.: Rep. Alan Mollohan (WV): He’s set to take the chair House Appropriations….

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GOP cut and run; Dem relook at races

From Washington Post:  [Link – WP] In recent days, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has given back television time it had reserved in Democratic-held…

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Melton doesn’t like McWaters move

Dear Democrats: Todd McWaters sent an e-mail today to his address list and the media, including the St. Pete Times, saying he was supporting Republican…

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McWaters jumps to Crist campaign

Todd McWaters has joined a group of Rod Smith’s campaign team that has come out for GOP gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist. McWaters had initially moved…

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Barney Frank scandal very different from Foley

I’ve heard Luke “Angry White Man” McCoy and others keep saying. “Democrats didn’t do anything about Barney Frank”…or “Well, Foley isn’t any worse than Frank”…

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Miller delivers GOP line on WCOA

Congressman Jeff Miller was a guest of the Angry Old White Guy, Luke McCoy, on “Pensacola Speaks Rambles” Tuesday afternoon. Miller spoke of his lack…

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Joe Roberts Interview

IN Hot Seat: Joe Roberts, Sept. 29 Show

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When did it start to go wrong for the Dems?

In 1992, Texas Gov. Ann Richards was the Democratic poster child. She was out-spoken and fearless. Many liberals saw her as the first female presidential…

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Congress Approval rating at all time low

According to the latest CBS News/NY Times poll, only 25% of the public approve of the current GOP-led Congress. These are the lowest numbers since…

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Jim Davis to eat at Granny’s – don’t tell Ron Melton

Newsflash: Florida Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Jim Davis and Lt. Governor Nominee Daryl Jones to visit Pensacola THIS Saturday, September 23rd… PLEASE mark your calendars…  Join…

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Damn, Ron Melton. There is a Black Caucus

Remember when right before the Sept. 5th primary, the chairman of the Escambia County Democratic Executive Committee sent out a press release warning voters about…

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