Should we get our hopes again?

BP has submitted its latest plan for containing the oil spewing from its well….30,000, 60,000, 100,000 barrels a day—what don’t know what figure to believe…

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Coastkeeper update

Press release: Flow rate update, with information from the Incident Command: The National Incident Command’s Flow Rate Technical Group (FRTG) has developed an independent estimate…

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Miller no longer believes BP is doing a good job

It’s amazing what a week of repeated bad press for BP, and cries from Panhandle voters, can do to change the perspective of our congressman,…

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Sorry, Jeff, EPA gets tougher on dispersants

Well, we’ve learn how powerful our Congressman Jeff Miller is. Days after he pushed for EPA relax its approval process for BP’s use of the…

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Beast Corps: Notes on Meek’s Forum on Offshore drilling

From Beast Corps correspondent Logan Harrison: Timeline: • Arrived at 7:03 • Talked about being on the road all day, took bathroom break…. • Left…

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Doing nothing is better than dispersants

According to Deepwater Horizon Incident Joint Information Center, “the Department of Defense’s Modular Aerial Spray System (MASS) aircraft flew multiple missions—dispensing the same dispersant chemicals…

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