Rubio explains why he voted against fiscal cliff deal. Fails to mention because he wants to be prez

I got his email from U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL): Rick, The federal government has a spending problem. Simple math shows it to be the…

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Now the bad news about fiscal check. Your paycheck will be hit

The Payroll Tax Cut, which reduced your share of payroll taxes by 2 percent and increased your net pay, expired on Dec. 31, 2012 and…

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More good news on fiscal cliff deal: Floridians can still deduct sales taxes

The Florida state sales tax deduction has been extended for two year, as part of the fiscal cliff deal between Congress and the White House….

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Good news on fiscal cliff deal: GE keeps wind tax credit

A one-year extension of the tax credit for the wind industry was included in the fiscal cliff deal that Congress passed yesterday. The tax credit,…

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Falling off fiscal cliff could hit your next paycheck

CNN has figured out that if no deal happens today the falling off the fiscal cliff will have a full impact for a few weeks….

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