Posted in Environment

Dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico predicted to hit record size

Each year a hypoxic water mass forms in bottom waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf. The low oxygen conditions threaten living resources…

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Posted in Environment

Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone projected to expand

The newest Dead Zone projection from Louisiana researchers shows that EPA is far short of a major goal to reduce the hypoxic zone in the…

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Posted in Environment

Massive dead zone in Gulf of Mexico

From Gulf Coast Restoration Network: Today’s Dead Zone announcement from Louisiana researchers revealed that EPA failed to meet a major goal it set in 2001…

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Posted in Environment

Environmental group challenges BP funds going to beachfront convention center

On Thursday, Gulf Restoration Network (GRN) filed suit in Washington, D.C. challenging the decision of the U.S. Department of the Interior and other federal agencies…

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Posted in Environment

Gulf Dead Zone continues to loom

This week the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium released their annual measurement of the Gulf Dead Zone, which measured 5,008 square miles, almost as large as…

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