SRIA misuses beautification funds

The Santa Rosa Island Authority has a beautification fund. Has the SRIA used that fund to buy equipment to get the tar balls and oil…

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News: Okaloosa County awaits BP oil onslaught

Northwest Florida Daily News reports: As Walton County beaches witnessed their heaviest showing of tar balls to date, Okaloosa officials are gearing up for a…

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BP contacts can’t answer many questions, no surprise

State Senator Don Gaetz emailed last week to the media and his constituents the list of BP Contacts in Florida. I had reporter Ryne Ziemba…

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Okaloosa frustrated, too

The Daily News reports that officials in Okaloosa County are just as frustrated with BP’s Unified Command post as we are here. Read Okaloosa officials…

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BP gets to sit on stage for WSRE

BP gets to continue its spin. Don’t expect any technical answers for a PR person. We should allow BP on the stage only the person…

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Gaetz narrowly wins House Dist. 4 primary

Matt Gaetz, son of State Sen. Don Gaetz, narrowly defeated former Destin Mayor Craig Barker by margin of 634 votes. Gaetz won the Republican primary…

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Right Size amendment

Press Release Sen. Don Gaetz and Rep. Will Weatherford Unveil Proposal to “Right Size” Class Size Amendment Proposal Would Place Update to Class Size Amendment…

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Thornton to testify against Gonzalez

As I reported yesterday, Frederick Thornton, Jr., age 19, has agreed to testify against Patrick Gonzalez and the others involved in the murders of Byrd…

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Edgar rests in Thornton case

The prosecution rested its case yesterday against the chief of staff for jailed former Okaloosa County Charlie Morris. Sabra Thornton is accused of stealing money…

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Billings case: Wednesday, July 15

Search for Pamela Long Wiggins Wednesday, July 15 The Sarasota Herald Tribune opens the day with an article on Patrick Gonzalez cyberstalking in his ex-wife…

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Billings case: Tuesday, July 14

“We Have Found Them” Tuesday, July 14 Sheriff Morgan creates a new stir on Tuesday morning about the involvement of the Federal Bureau of Investigation…

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Billings case: Monday, July 13 part 2

OKALOOSA GANG OF FOUR Monday, July 13 At around 2 p.m. Okaloosa Investigator Jeremy Peaden surveys Gary Sumner’s business, 5th Dimension at the 8 and…

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Judge “guts” Sansom, Richburg cases

Daily News reports that Circuit Court Judge Terry Lewis issued a blanket order Monday addressing motions to dismiss criminal charges filed in April and May…

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Odom does bait and switch

Okaloosa County developer Jay Odom is in trouble again. It was his airplane hangar that Odom got buddies former House Speaker Ray Sanson and ex-college…

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Fight over Clearasil led to deputies’ death

The Fort Walton Beach Daily News reports that the marital argument that led to the deaths of two Okaloosa County deputies was over a tube…

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