Crist withholds funds for Panhandle

Gov. Charlie Crist will be on Pensacola Beach tomorrow for an appearance on Fox & Friends around 7:15 a.m. Shortly after that national TV appearance,…

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Tar balls on Pensacola Beach

We are getting reports that tar balls have washed on to Pensacola Beach. Fox 10 is reporting three were found by a Gulf Breeze family…

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Grover: We will test waters

Escambia County Commissioner Grover Robinson called late yesterday afternoon to tell me the county will be testing the area waters regularly on Pensacola Beach and…

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Beast Corps: Notes on Meek’s Forum on Offshore drilling

From Beast Corps correspondent Logan Harrison: Timeline: • Arrived at 7:03 • Talked about being on the road all day, took bathroom break…. • Left…

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Beast Corps: Latest on oil

From our Mobile Beast Corps correspondent, Dawn Butler: Admiral Thad Allan is in charge of the US Coast Guard response, so he was at Dauphin…

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Move EOC to Beach, Key or Downtown

BTW: I am boycotting the EOC – a facility set up miles away from our beaches, a facility that was built to be a bomb…

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The Black Gold Untold

by IN South Alabama correspondent Dawn Butler.. About the size of Pensacola Beach is Dauphin Island, Alabama, where the oil first came ashore in our…

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Oceanographer Estimates Higher Rate of Leak

By IN reporter Ryne Ziemba.. Prof. Ian McDonald, professor of Oceanography at Florida State University, spoke last Saturday, May 8 at a public forum at…

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Transcript of Olbermann interview

I really thought I sounded more literate and knowledgeable than this: OLBERMANN: That we know about the B.P. waiver agreement offering up to $5,000 to…

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Sink’s day in Pensacola

By Sean Boone Federal and state officials were in Pensacola today to address emergency efforts for the Deep Horizon oil spill bearing down on Florida’s…

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Grover replies to PB master plan viewpoint

Mr. Rotenberry, Thank you for your email and concerns. Many of your points are valid but some are the same political stereotyping that gets us…

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Viewpoint on Pensacola Beach Master Plan

My Fellow Pensacola Citizens, As a lifelong resident of Pensacola and Pensacola Beach, I have always been a proponent of improving the quality of life…

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