DOH has a warehouse of Coronavirus test kits

Yesterday, Dr. John Lanza, director of the Florida Department of Health in Escambia County, told the Escambia County Commission that test kits don’t exist. Commissioner Doug Underhill posted the same statement in a rant about me: “Rick sounded like a child in the media event today, asking emotionally charged questions to turn up the drama. No, Rick, there is no such thing as a test kit.”

This afternoon, Gov. Ron DeSantis is holding a press conference at a Department of Health warehouse 20 minutes for the state capitol that is filled with Coronavirus  (COVID-19 ) test kits.

Oops.  Yes, there is such thing of a Coronavirus test kit.

The facts always get in the way of a good rant, Mr. Underhill.

Of course, the bigger question is:  did Dr. Lanza intentionally mislead the commissioners and public?  Or is he that uninformed about the crisis? My confidence level is very low.

Photo is courtesy of Lawrence Mower, reporter of the Tampa Bay Times/Miami Herald Tallahassee Bureau. Thanks, Jim Little, for sharing.


1 thought on “DOH has a warehouse of Coronavirus test kits

  1. Well, I’m with you on the confidence in Dr. Lanza at this point. However, it is a well known fact that Doug Underhill is oblivious to facts and the truth…..

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