Corrections must have discovered how to test inmates

Through the month of August, Escambia County Corrections Chief Rich Powell and County Administrator Janice Gilley repeatedly told the county commissioners that only a handful of inmates requested to be tested–an average of less than one a day.

Most recently at a special meeting on Thursday, Aug. 27, Powell told the board, “…a lot of them find out what the process is and the protocols; they don’t want to go into a lockdown unit. And none of them that had requested had any medical signs or symptoms.”

September has has been a different story with 64 prisoners being tested over the past two days. Forty were tested today, according to the county’s COVID update. The batch only had six positives – 14.3% positivity rate.

The conundrum of how to test county prisoners must have been solved. It only took 37 days.


1 thought on “Corrections must have discovered how to test inmates

  1. Except it was for road camp workers. Not the ones housed at work release or the jail. Wonder if any of those 64 had to be place on lockdown in the infirmary?

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