Inweekly April 2008 Flashback: King brothers and how Mollye Barrows turned down bikini modeling

On April 9, 2008, Alex King was released from Brevard Correctional Institution in Cocoa after serving about six years for his confessed role in bludgeoning…

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Gonzalez release request denied

After a hearing in Tallahassee, the Commission on Offender Review unanimously voted to deny Leonard Patrick Gonzalez, Sr.’s request for early release. Gonzalez, Sr. requested…

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Gonzalez is dying, petitions parole board to be released

Leonard Gonzalez, Sr., who was convicted for his part in the July 2009 murders of Bud and Melanie Billings, will have a hearing tomorrow before…

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Inweekly 2008: Bubbas on Patrol

We all know those Keystone Cops. Escambia had its own version. They were Escambia code enforcement officers.       Bubbas On Patrol By Duwayne…

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Inweekly 2009: The Domestic Violence Epidemic

Sue Hand, director of the Northwest Florida Favor House, shared with me in early 2009 that one in four women in Escambia and Santa Rosa…

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Manhunt ends: Mannings in custody

PENSACOLA, Fla. – Escambia County Warrants Task Force partners have taken Douglas Albert Manning, 47, and Leah Giannotti Manning, 40 into custody at 12:30 local…

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Pensacola Speaks podcast: Sheriff says shooting may be tied to teen gang

Sheriff David Morgan said on Pensacola Speaks yesterday that a recent homicide where the victim was burned beyond recognition may be gang-related. At approximately 4:00…

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Deputies arrested on sexual offenses with subjects under 18, couple on the run

Investigators are also looking for Douglas Albert Manning, 47, and Leah Giannotti Manning, 40, on outstanding warrants for sexual battery and child neglect. They were…

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IN 2008: Judging the Jails

By Jennifer Waters Experts: Local Jails Lack Progressive Programs, Standards The inmate’s request isn’t for better food, smokes or luxuries. “I wish we had NA…

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IN 2010: Victor Steen and the pursuit for justice

By Sean Boone Inquest Decides Wrongdoing In Teen’s Death The nightly news flickers with a shot of blue lights. A voice follows with information regarding…

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IN 2005: Mysterious Death of Willie Junior

By Duwayne Escobedo In a roomful of the best and brightest newspaper and TV reporters from Mobile and Pensacola, no one dared ask the one…

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Settlement reached in woman’s case against ECSO

From the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office: Statement Regarding Settlement in Rosebloom Case The following are the Sheriff’s comments regarding a recent settlement in the case…

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