Florida state hatcheries are in state parks away from population centers

The state of Florida has two freshwater fish hatcheries. The Florida Bass Conservation Center is in the Green Swamp Wilderness Preserve in Sumter County miles…

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CRA administrator declares Bruce Beach not part of CRA…stop laughing

Mayor Ashton Hayward and his staff continue to try to wordsmith their way of the issues surrounding the fish hatchery. Last week, the mayor’s office…

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Fly Pensacola passengers down for September, Fly VPS up 23 percent

September was not a good month for the Pensacola International Airport. Its passengers dropped 1.3 percent in comparison to September 2016, 132,576-134,412. Year to date,…

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Sheriff Morgan objects to ‘shade meeting’ on his appeal

Last week, Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan sent his budget appeal to the Florida Cabinet. The Escambia Board of County Commissioners has scheduled a shade…

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Pensacola Mayor issues joint statement on fish hatchery

Joint Statement from FWC and Office of the Mayor regarding Hatchery Project “The City of Pensacola and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)…

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Podcast: Entrecon 2017

Rachel Gillette of Studer Community Institute talked on “Pensacola Speaks” about the upcoming Entrecon. Check it out.

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Podcast: CivicCon update

Last week, Christian Wagley discussed the success of the first CivicCon event with Chuck Marohn and previewed the list of upcoming speakers.

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Myers also questions wisdom of downtown fish hatchery

Councilwoman Sherri Myers replied to Quint Studer’s letter regarding the wisdom of locating a fish hatchery on Bruce Beach. “I did not support the location…

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VT MAE gears for hiring with info session Oct. 27

VT MAE is ready to begin its community outreach for subcontractor and those seeking jobs at its aircraft maintenance facility under construction at Pensacola International…

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Studer tells Mayor: ‘I no longer support Pensacola Fish Hatchery Project at Bruce Beach’

From: Quint Studer Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 2:48 PM To: ‘Ashton Hayward’ <mayorhayward@cityofpensacola.com>; ‘bspencer@cityofpensacola.com‘ <bspencer@cityofpensacola.com>; ‘gwingate@cityofpensacola.com‘ <gwingate@cityofpensacola.com>; ‘aterhaar@cityofpensacola.com‘ <aterhaar@cityofpensacola.com>; ‘jcannada-wynn@cityofpensacola.com‘ <jcannada-wynn@cityofpensacola.com>; ‘ljohnson@cityofpensacola.com‘ <ljohnson@cityofpensacola.com>; ‘pcwu@cityofpensacola.com‘…

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Cyber Gulf Coast: ‘Live Coastal, Work Cyber’

Last Friday, FloridaWest, University of West Florida and area cybersecurity educators and professionals unveiled the Cybersecurity Strategic Plan for Pensacola at the UWF Commons Conference…

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Homeland Security to host Cybersecurity roundtable next week

The Department of Homeland Security is hosting a Cybersecurity Roundtable with Pensacola-area government, business and academic leaders, Oct. 25 at 9 a.m. at the University…

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