Wahoos View

The views bouncing around in the stadium at Maritime Park are brilliant. Sunlit diamonds swim in the bay and green grass covers the infield. “They’ve…

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John McCain and the ‘Best Chance’ Breakfast

When GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney dips into town tomorrow morning for breakfast, he’ll be bringing along Sen. John McCain. The Arizona senator snagged the…

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Deadline for Absentee Ballots

Wednesday, Jan. 25 is the deadline to request your absentee ballot to be mailed for the Presidential primary election, Tuesday, Jan. 31. After Wednesday you…

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Florida and Pensacola Unemployment rates continue to drop

Florida’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in December 2011 was 9.9 percent, the lowest since April 2009 when the rate was 9.7 percent. This represented 913,000…

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Luncheon with Lawmakers, or Tallahassee Wish List

Earlier this month, state legislators from northwest Florida visited Pensacola for a bite to eat and a sit-down with the local business community. The 2012…

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Oliver Goes On EDATE With Women

The salad was light and the tea was sweet, but conversation waded immediately into deeper waters: politics. That’s the way the League of Women Voters…

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Dirty Smurfs

Escambia County officials have no interest in seeing a recycling center on a collection of remediated Superfund sites. They also don’t want to see any…

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Wilson Robertson/Forrest Gibbs hiring – Top Scandal of 2011

The blog readers have spoken – with 863 votes cast. The top local scandal of 2011 was Escambia County Commissioner Wilson Robertson helping his supporter…

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The Sam Hall Question

It seems Pensacola City Council President Sam Hall isn’t out of the woods yet when it comes to the free-speech debate he sparked when attempting…

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Oil Spill Health Study Comes to Town

Following the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, researchers of various stripes have been studying the disaster’s possible impacts. What did the spill…

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New CRA Leadership

Pensacola’s Community Redevelopment Agency has a new chairman and vice chairman. The CRA board—comprised of the Pensacola City Council—chose its new leadership Jan. 9. Councilman…

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Darn it, haters wrong again

Last summer, the haters had a field day. Finally–they thought with glee–the Studers were getting bashed by the daily newspaper. The PNJ and the CMPA…

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