PNJ misses VFD story completely

Finally the Pensacola daily newspaper reports on fire protection in Escambia County. Unfortunately, they only focus on the possibility of higher fees and almost completely…

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Fate of Pensacola Beach condos

The Sarasota Herald Tribune is staying on top of the impact of property tax changes on condominium owners. Why isn’t the Pensacola daily reporting this,…

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Panhandle newspaper summaries 6/19

TuesDaily Dose Pensacola News Journal: car crashes, fires, looting. Daily News reports on a former city councilman’s fight to keep his chickens – yes, this…

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Alabama Schools Get Hard On Soft Drinks

This is a news headline on the WEAR TV 3 web site. I think Jay Leno will have fun with this one.

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Who are the uninsured?

Last August, we wrote about the area’s poor health and the Escambia Community Clinic. Rosalynda Blackburn shuffles slowly to the exam room at the Escambia…

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County ready to improve fire safety

From Editor Duwayne Escobedo: With dozens of volunteer and career firefighters in the audience at today’s Escambia County Commission meeting, all five commissioners expressed support…

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SOC mentality is back

The same “Do Nothing” crowd that worked under the “Save Our City” mantle is back. They predictably don’t like the Access Escambia referendum. They picked…

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Tax Revolt

The Sarasota News Herald takes a different view of the special tax session than the Pensacola daily newspaper. There are some upset people in South…

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Tale of two gunshots

The St. Petersburg Times has an article on two cases involving pistols being fired. One involves an unemployed black man; the other involves a lawyer…

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Monday Panhandle News Summaries

MonDaily Dose It’s Monday which means it’s a light news day at the Pensacola News Journal: Bubba, Bears and beefs. Daily News has plane crash….

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Access Escambia Business Plan

The naysayers are screaming on the daily newspaper’s website that Access Escambia has no business plan. Well here it is:  Business Plan

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Moms asked to report for daily

Due to the limited success of the “Newsy Neighbors” feature, the Pensacola daily paper has developed a website for moms and asked them to email…

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