IN letter dead wrong on ECUA

From Jim McClellan: Rick, the letter in this week’s IN regarding Steve Sorrell was way wrong. I’m going to do a letter for next week,…

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Crist agrees with Outzen

Gov. Charlie Crist is saying county and city governments are the problem with property taxes. They are spending too much money. “My obligation is not…

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Festival formerly known as SpringFest update

We have received committments on nearly $25000 in sponsorships. Bands require down payments so we’ve got to have funds in the bank to get this…

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State of the Union health insurance misfire

President Bush’s plan to help families and individuals pay for health insurance won’t work in Pensacola. In our area, it’s estimated 1 in every 5…

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Benson’s resignation letter

Just so we all have a record of her resignation. Here is the pdf of her resignation letter: Click hereBye Bye Benson

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Big Day for IN websites

Politics, Healthcare and the Festival formerly known as SpringFest are the big topics. They driven traffic on our Web sites. 11,483 visitors over 4…

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Whitehead may get competition

Buzz: We’re hearing Wilson Robertson may file tomorrow for Mike Whitehead’s Escambia Co. Commission seat. Whitehead narrowly beat Robertson (District 5 commissioner from 1988 to…

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Outzen connected to three GOP candidates

Okay, I have to come clean and admit I have connections to three of the Republican candidates for House District 3: Clay Ford and I…

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Vote on New SpringFest Name

Go to  and let us know what name you like.

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Terry McAuliffe speaks out on Kerry and Dems

Had the opportunity to sit in on a telephone interview with Terry McAuliffe, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. McAuliffe has written a book…

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House District 3 Observations – GOP side

Lyn Hart’s campaign is built on RV money. Do we want a state representative financed primarily (over 70%) by outside interest? George Scarborough has the…

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Early presidential poll

Somebody sent me this poll by American Research Group. It was done statewide Jan. 4 -Jan. 9. It’s telephone poll of 600 likely Florida Democratic…

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