TaxWatch preliminary report

Florida Tax Watch CEO/President Dominic M. Calabro reports that Escambia County’s operating millage rate is higher than the state average and three comparable counties: Leon,…

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Weatherall did not trust FSU athletic department

Florida State University President T.K. Wetherell told the Orlando Sentinel in an exclusive interview that he did not trust the school’s athletic department to conduct…

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City staff resists mixed-use at Port

City staff continues to resist adding anything other than industrial to the Port of Pensacola. The problem may be the staff fears that anything other…

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Studers donate to Janesville public schools

The Janesville Gazette reports today that Quint and Rishy Studer have donated $40,000 to the new Minority Recruitment Initiative for Janesville public schools. Read: Minority…

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Wheatley in Super Bowl ad

From Sam Baltrusis, former In A&E editor, “I was working on a piece here in Boston on ads running during the Super Bowl and I…

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The Phil Conners report on Pcola

Today is Groundhog’s Day. Let’s see what weatherman Phil Conners sees as he looks at Pensacola: No Community Maritime Park being built. Grass still not…

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Jan. 2008 record month for blog

We had 156,070 visitors to this blog in January – a new record. The posting rules haven’t hurt the traffic. We’ve actually seen more visitors…

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McNesby budget under public scrutiny

Over and over again, I hear discontent in the community with the Escambia County Sheriff’s budget – that has increased over 30 percent since Ron…

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Touart on WEAR TV 3

WEAR TV reporter has former County Administrator George Touart on his Sunday morning show this weekend – IN Focus, 9 a.m. Here are some of…

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Countrywide troubles grow

On IN Your Head Radio this Wednesday, Attorney General Bill McCollum reported that he was investigating one of the country’s biggest lenders, Countrywide Financial Corp.,…

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Gannett blogger: ad production may be outsourced

The Gannett Blog reports that the media giant – which owns the Pensacola News Journal, USA Today and other papers – is moving advertising production…

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Paul pleads not guilty

PNJ reports that Defense attorney Frank Russo of St. Petersburg filed a written not guilty plea in court last Friday on Escambia County Schools Superintendent…

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