Century prison cases drive Escambia almost to 9.3K COVID cases


The backlog of test results finally caught up with Escambia County .The county recorded its largest day for COVID – 540 with 306 associated with corrections. The county had five more deaths – total 120. The positivity rate is 24.9% for Friday, August 7.

Even without the corrections cases, Escambia had 234 new cases –only nine were not Florida residents.

With one more day to close the week, Aug. 2-9 will go down as the deadliest week yet for COVID in Escambia County – even deadlier than the week that had 10 deaths recorded on one day.


as of Aug 8 8/6/20 8/7/20 Increase
Total Cases      518,075       526,577     8,502
Fla Residents       512,421       520,846     8,425
Deaths           7,927           8,109        182
Escambia           8,757           9,297        540
Fla Residents           7,876           8,407        531
Deaths              115              120            5
Hospitalizations              521              536          15
LTC              811              830          19
Corrections              104              410        306
Positivity 19.9% 24.9% 5.0%
Santa Rosa           3,791           3,857          66
Fla Residents           3,766           3,828          62
Deaths                36                37            1
Hospitalizations              184              189            5
LTC              183              190            7
Corrections              938              952          14
Positivity 15.6% 11.3% -4.3%

8 thoughts on “Century prison cases drive Escambia almost to 9.3K COVID cases

  1. Steve, I think you hit the nail on the head with your last comment. Only 3% of the County population has tested positive for the virus, yet 120 people have passed and 536 people have been hospitalized. If we had done nothing to mitigate for this virus and had a lot of people not taken personal responsibility to modify their behaviors, those numbers could easily be 10 times higher by now. Do you think our local hospitals could handle 5,000 covid hospitalizations while still caring for all the other patients? If everyone in the county decided today; “Moving forward I want to be just like Steve, I want to ignore basic science in favor of ridiculous conspiracy theories, I want to keep living my life without making any sacrifices, no matter how small, to help protect the health of my fellow citizens”; then we could still find ourselves in that boat. Fortunately for you and the rest of our fellow Escambia County citizens, a large portion of us are taking simple precautions like wearing a mask in public, standing a few extra feet away from people, and socializing outdoors rather than inside when possible. Covid has already killed 160k Americans (which is likely a significant under count. Research excess deaths from all cause mortality vs covid recorded deaths and you will find inarguable evidence of this), which is terrible in it’s own right, but all of the attention and mitigation efforts are much more about what covid has the potential to do and not what it has done to date. (My assumptions about you Steve, are based on reading numerous of your comments, I apologize if they are incorrect.)

  2. So there’s nothing else we as a community can do to reduce or prevent the other 9 of 10 causes of death that deserve daily attention of the media?

  3. The only other Contagious cause of death in top 12 last year was influenza. It caused only 56 deaths all of 2019.

  4. Also, why aren’t we providing daily stats on the other nine of the top ten causes of death in our community?

  5. Is there no concern re: what we can do as a community to reduce/prevent the cause of the the other top ten deaths in our community?

  6. Since March, 3% of the county population has tested positive for the virus. The 120 virus related deaths equates to .03% of the county population. During the same time period, it can be estimated that approximately 1,580 county residents have died from all causes based on 2019 data. Based on today’s numbers, this virus has a 99% survivability rate.

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