City Survey questions focus on rating city services

City Communications Administrator Tamara Fountain called to further explain the city’s survey that will be conducted by the HAAS Center for Mayor Ashton Hayward. The questions will focus on city services and ask city residents to rate them.

“We need to create a baseline so that we can properly measure city services,” said Fountain.

The Independent News received a draft of the questions and the phone script. According to Eric Olsen, City’s Initiatives Coordinator, questions should remain intact but the script/format may be tweaked. Haas Center staff is testing it this week and will go live with a final version next week.

The first section of the survey focuses on public safety–police protection, fire and EMS. It also asks citizens to rate how safe they feel in various parts of town–downtown, city parks, neighborhoods day and night.

The second section focuses on municipal infrastructure–city streets, sidewalks, street lights and stormwater.

The third section hits neighborhood vitality – code enforcement and garbage collection.

The fourth section is about “Sustainable Development” — appearance of neighborhood and downtown, quality of new development.

The fifth section is about “Civic Participation” — City’s 311 system, website and overall communications.

Here is the draft: 2014.06.06_Draft_PcolaSurveyInstrument
