County confirms FDLE investigation into ‘bug’

After Inweekly reported that an eavesdropping device was found on the fourth floor of the county office complex, the county has confirmed the Florida Department of Law Enforcement is investigating the incident.

The county sent the newspaper the following statement:

“It is extremely disappointing that illegal recording may have occurred on the fourth floor of the Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building. No one should have to work in an environment where there is a hidden device. We respect the work that FDLE has put into this investigation.”

Inweekly contacted FDLE. The agency spokesperson confirmed an investigation was launched on Aug. 1, and a hidden recording device was found. However, investigators were unable to find out much more, and the investigation was closed on Sept. 30.

Inweekly has requested a copy of the FDLE report.

1 thought on “County confirms FDLE investigation into ‘bug’

  1. With all of the federal temper tantrums ongoing, it would be nice if closer to home our Escambia County Administrator Janice Gilley could focus on her job rather than the theatrics.

    Personally, I don’t believe for one moment somebody planted a device in her office. I’d like to have been a mouse in the corner when it was “discovered.” Back when this “happened,” it was getting back to me at the time that she was trying to put it out there that I might have been behind it. (I wish I were kidding.)

    The self-victimization m.o. runs deep with that one. Meanwhile the County becomes more of a soap opera with every week of her tenure.

    Love the quote from ECMR:

    “No one should have to work in an environment where there is a hidden device.”

    That’s some good stuff right there…earning that Team Gilley paycheck for sure. Nice to know that FDLE recognized this round of nonsense when they saw it.

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