COVID-19: Saturday mid-afternoon update

Here is the News Service of Florida’s analysis of the 11 a.m. statistics:

TALLAHASSEE — The Florida Department of Health officials released updated numbers Saturday about the coronavirus in the state. Here are some key takeaways:

— 3,763: Number of confirmed cases in Florida.

— 565: Increase over a Friday night count.

— 54: Number of deaths in Florida, an increase of eight over a Friday night count.

— 39,542: Number of Florida tests performed.

— 11: Number of deaths in Broward County, the largest in the state.*

— 39: Youngest age of a Florida resident who has died, a Lee County resident who died March 25.

— 96: Oldest age of a Florida resident who has died, a Broward County resident.

— 18: Number of counties where Florida residents have died.

— 1,003: Number of cases in Miami-Dade County, the largest in the state.

— 20: Number of Florida’s 67 counties with no cases.

— 56: Number of cases in long-term care facilities.

— 955: Number of cases of Florida residents age 65 or older.

Source: Florida Department of Health

*Broward County is the place that County Administrator Janice Gilley has told her staff and the county commissioners that she has followed on how to handle the pandemic.

Saturday, March 27 update from Baptist:

As of 7 a.m. today, we have collected 260 samples outside of our hospitals. Of these samples taken, 116 have resulted negative; 6 have resulted positive; and 138 results are pending.


Inweekly comments:  The numbers show Baptist is running at 4.9% positive, which is lower than the state average, 9%, and Ascension Sacred Heart’s average as of Thursday, 7%.

The 260 samples are only 0.1% of the county’s population. If the percentage holds, the Baptist samples will add another seven positive cases.

Baptist’s standalone testing site is conducting an average of 52 tests a day, much lower than Ascension Sacred Heart’s rate.

West Florida Hospital still does not have a standalone or drive-thru facility.