How many citizens know about DPZ Codesign master plans

On its Myths vs. Facts page, DPZ Codesign gives the impression that more than 600 citizens want its three mixed-use plans – 82% for Outlying Landing Field 8 (OLF-8).

Here’s the DPZ statement: “More than 600 citizens left comments, suggestions, or took surveys about the project. The most recent community input indicates that 82% of the participants want some kind of mixed-use plan with commerce, retail, residential, and recreational options. ”

It’s a bait and switch. Click on “most recent community input” link, and you find only 271 people voted on the options. We don’t know who the 271 people were so we can’t determine how well they reflect the demographics of the county or even Beulah.

Also DPZ states, “Thousands of citizens participated in the OLF-8 public outreach effort.”

We guess the planner is counting its social media traffic and website visits as participation. However, we don’t know how much of that traffic was county residents.

When we polled likely county voters last weekend, we found only 15% had seen the four master plans created by DPZ.  The percentage was slightly higher in District 1, 17%, where OLF-8 is located.

Have you seen the four draft master plans for OLF 8 that DPZ Codesign has proposed to the county commission?

Responses: 628 Total Percentage
Yes 92 14.6%
No 446 71.0%
Undecided 90 14.3%
District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5
Responses 115 111 129 154 119
Yes 17.4% 12.6% 10.9% 15.6% 16.8%
No 70.4% 73.9% 72.1% 72.7% 65.5%
Undecided 12.2% 13.5% 17.1% 11.7% 17.6%


Check out “The Great OLF-8 Debate” in this week’s issue when it goes live on at at noon today.


