Is the City 3-1-1 service punishing critics

Dr. Gloria Horning’s street has flooded. She lives in the 300 block of Devilliers Street, south of the Government Street Stormwater Pond, east of the former site of ECUA Sewage Treatment Plant, and only one block away from Pensacola City Hall.

According Pensacola City Councilwoman Sherri Myers, Dr. Horning, who has been critical of the stormwater pond in her neighborhoods, called the City of Pensacola 3-1-1 service before 8 a.m. today to inform them of the flooding.

At 12:48 pm, Myers sent a photo of the flooding to City Administrator Eric Olson:

From: Sherri Myers
Subject: Flooding 300 block of deViellers
Date: June 21, 2017 at 12:47:10 PM CDT
To: Eric Olson

I don’t see any notice so. An elderly woman is stranded when her car stalled in it. Can the city close this block?

A few minutes ago, City Public Works truck toured the area and the driver told Myers that he was evaluating the flooding.

8 thoughts on “Is the City 3-1-1 service punishing critics

  1. The sewer drain was breached at 6:03 a.m.- it was just one of the several events I reported to 311 at that time including heavy watering at Maritime Park that added water to the already flooded area. The call was ignored until I called back 11:39 when I found the elderly woman stuck on the street. Then the street was blocked off.
    Again my home was fine. The safety of our citizens was not. Hope your family never gets in this situation.

  2. The article concerned you complaining about Devillers Street flooding not about fecal matter. You chose to reside in a known flood zone as do people who live on barrier islands.

  3. It’s not all about my property. It is about OUR infrastructure. Yesterday human waste washed into 4 storm water drains right into the bay. Fecal matter into the bay, onto everyone’s property and stayed on the street for more than 8 hours. That impacts YOU!
    Why does anyone buy homes on the beach – they flood out too.

  4. Let’s all consider how many things are wrong with this: She wants the city to close off streets during Tropical Depression/Storm conditions because an elderly lady was driving around.

    Maybe an elderly lady shouldn’t be driving in the weather we had the last few days. The city probably can’t close every street that had flooding yesterday because, among other things, that’s just ridiculous.

  5. Argon Courts flooded for decades too. Until white affluent people moved in and they took the city to task after April 100 year flood.
    We now have raw sewage on the streets and going into the storm drains that feed the bay. Right at Wahoo Stadium. Might want to watch were you park and walk the next time your down here. Enjoy you seafood.

  6. Why the sudden concern for that block of Devillers Street. It has flooded for years. What amazes me is that anyone would move on to property on that block. I looked at that property a few years ago when it was for sale. It was obvious that it was a very low elevation and prone to flooding. It also is well within the Hurricane Ivan flood map that is available online.

  7. As long as have lived here and worked downtown since the 70’s, that stretch of Main Street has ALWAYS FLOODED.

    So now we are trying to romanticize it as the poor “Tanyards” area which was formed in 2005 to address concerns about the area’s appearance, possible future developments that could affect the neighborhood’s “character,” and the lack of a community center since the demolition of the Corinne Jones Center after Ivan.

    Again, that is a LOW area in town that has ALWAYS FLOODED for decades…

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