County could have as many as 100 borrow pits; some active, some not; all but one unregulated

I was reviewing county records and news articles on Escambia County’s feeble attempts to regulate borrow pits. In August 2011, Lloyd Kerr, then-director of Escambia…

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NRA wins appeal, doctors can not ask patients if they own guns

The United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit has ruled that doctors do not have the right to ask patients if they own…

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Smoke ’em if you got ’em: medical pot has huge support

By DARA KAM THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA Floridians really, really support the legalization of medical marijuana, according to a poll released Monday morning. The…

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Floridians overwhelmingly are concerned about climate change

Marc Caputo of the Miami Herald reports that nearly seven in 10 likely Florida voters are concerned about climate change and nearly 80 percent want…

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Today is last chance to register to vote in August primary

The Escambia County Supervisor of Elections David H. Stafford reminds everyone that the last day to register to vote or change political parties for the…

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Weekend Buzz: Pitiful County, Eric gets his record and Robo attacks begin in District 2 (audio)

Pitiful Escambia The most profitable illegal business in Escambia County appears to be dirt. The Board of County Commissioners learned last week that only one…

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Net worth up for most Florida lawmakers

By JIM TURNER THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA For most state lawmakers, 2013 was another good year financially, regardless of party. Still, those with an…

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Viewpoint: Why in the HELL does Pensacola need TWO Chambers of Commerce?

By Jibril Sulaiman, president of Pay Cell Systems Hello my name is Jibril Sulaiman. I’m the 33 year old President of a local technology company,…

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Sacred Heart to Provide Free Health Screenings in August

During August, Sacred Heart Health System will provide free heart-health and osteoporosis screenings at several locations in Pensacola and Warrington for adults who are poor,…

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Help Find Tiffany Daniels

On Tuesday evening, I hosted an online radio show for Columbia Southern University. The topic was human trafficking and my guest was CSU criminal justice…

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Buzz: Crist will be in Pensacola this weekend

Charlie Crist will be in the Pensacola area this weekend. Fred Levin is hosting a big fundraiser for him, and he will be tour area…

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Redistricting clash heats up as hearing approaches

By BRANDON LARRABEE THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA Voting-rights advocates and the Legislature squabbled Wednesday about when the state’s congressional elections should be held as…

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