Pensacola Police Department handles overtime within budget

Yesterday, I reported on how Pensacola Fire Chief David Allen has allowed overtime in his department to far exceed the department’s original budget.

A review of the unaudited monthly financial reports on the city’s website shows the Pensacola Police Department doesn’t have that issue. As of May 31, the Pensacola Police Department had only spent $206,520 of it’s original OT budget of $241,900.

For the same period, the Pensacola Fire Department has spent $391,962 on overtime, nearly $100K more than the original OT budget of $298,900. From February-May 2016, Chief Allen approved $137,313 in overtime.

The $391,962 OT expenditures are much greater than last year under Chief Matt Schmitt. From October-May 2015, the PFD overtime was $252,382. Chief Allen has exceed that figure by $139,580.

In contrast, Pensacola Police overtime is only up about a quarter of that amount over last year’s OT total of $169,817.

It should be noted that $66,849 of the $137,313 (about half) in overtime that Chief Allen approved occurred in May when Mayor Hayward announced that he would make Allen his fire chief.

Here is the breakdown of OT under Allen:

Feb $24,750
Mar $20,112
Apr $25,602
May $66,849

In the monthly financial report for May 2016, CFO Dick Barker made no mention of the excessive overtime in the Pensacola Fire Department.

BTW: Pensacola Police Department has about twice the number of employees as the Fire Department. Yet, the Police OT through May 31 is $185K less than PFD.
