Donovan/Nobles referendum can’t stop the stadium

City Attorney Rusty Wells has analyzed the petition drive by Marty Donovan and Jack Nobles and has issued his opinion to the Mayor and Pensacola…

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What Charlie Fairchild said about Maritime Park in 2005

The year was 2005. Pensacola had finished a series of town hall meetings on a proposed community maritime park. Charlie Fairchild, C.C. Elebash and Marty…

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Judge Lacey Collier speaks out on Davison

The daily newspaper has an in-depth interview with Judge Lacey Collier on his three-year tenure as the chairman of the Community Maritime Park Associates Board…

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Questions over MPDP financials

The daily is reporting on the war of words over releasing the financial data of Rick Rodriguez, the primary money backer of Maritime Park Development…

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MPDP responds…somewhat

Maritime Park Development Partners has given the CMPA a new schedule: Construction Contract Approval by CMPA–April 23, 2010 Construction Contract Approval by City Council– May…

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Daily misses point

The News Journal is fixated on the financials of Maritime Park Development Partners and its shareholders. Their financials and net worths aren’t the issue. It’s…

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CMPA Report: March 30 meeting

No motion was made to remove Maritime Park Development Partners as the general contractor. Scott Davison of MPDP bristled at comments by CMPA attorney Ed…

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UWF drops out of Maritime Park…for now

TO: Mayor and City Council FROM:Alvin G. Coby DATE: 3/12/10 SUBJECT:Alternate Option for the UWF Maritime Museum The University of West Florida (UWF) and Capital…

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CMP master developer responds to memo

Jeff Galt, president of Maritime Park Development Partners has responded to the memo from CMPA chair Judge Lacey Collier. He does think that the Chairman’s…

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Who will be general contractor of CMP?

CMPA chair Judge Lacey Collier has sent the following memo to Maritime Park Development Partners: MEMORANDUM To: Jeff Galt, President, Maritime Park Development Partners, LLC…

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Deadline on tax credits set for CMPA

The Capital Trust Agency Community Development Entity, has sent a letter to CMPA, UWF and the City setting Feb. 8 as the deadline for the…

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UWF will have its offer before CMPA

The University of West Florida offer appears to be very similar to one being discussed by the master developer and university during the holidays. The…

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