Group Therapy with Dr. Touart

If tensions have been rumbling in the undercurrents of the Escambia County Commission, they bubbled to the surface yesterday in spectacular fashion. It began in…

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Grover’s Rationale

On his way back from a regional economic development meeting in Panama City, Escambia County Commissioner Grover Robinson defended his recommendation to reopen the applicant…

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Hiccup in Escambia’s Administrator Search

Escambia County Commissioner Grover Robinson lit the fuse this morning, then got a safe distance away before the fireworks began. It was a move Commissioner…

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Touart Survives Round One

Members of the Escambia County Administrator Search Committee went down the list of applicants for the county’s top job this afternoon and whittled down the…

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Gathering for the Hunt

The men who will help steer the selection of Escambia County’s next administrator gathered for their initial meeting today. They were introduced to huge binders…

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Brush Strokes and Non-Starters

It’s unclear what course of action the Escambia County Commission will take in response to the recent U.S. Department of Justice investigation into the operations…

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Looking for Lockup Money

Later this week, the Escambia County Commission will be looking at three proposals from staff concerning the Escambia County Jail and the sheriff’s budget. County…

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Panama Gene and the Flow Control Victory

Fresh off his economic development trip to Central America, Escambia County Commission Chairman Gene Valentino is jazzed about possible opportunities locally. “Contrary to the pundits,…

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Commissioner Barry’s Town Hall

Escambia County District 5 Commissioner Steven Barry will hold an open forum town hall meeting on Monday. The May 13 town hall is scheduled for…

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Getting ‘Derailed’ with RESTORE

As the Escmabia County RESTORE Act Advisory Committee gets its feet wet, county officials have varying views on exactly how the body should function. “We’re…

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Search Extended, Raise Declined

The Escambia County Commission extended its search for a county administrator today, as Interim Country Administrator George Touart declined a proposed raise. Commissioners decided to…

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The Perdido Key Name Game

The Escambia County Commission will be considering rescinding a resolution today that requested the Florida Department of Transportation change the map-designation of Perdido Key to…

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