McReynolds Switcheroo: How to make money on a charter school

Summary Jacqueline Harris Preparatory Academy: In August 2002, the Escambia County School Board voted to sell its McReynolds school property to the charter school for its…

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Diagram shows conflicts of interest in McReynolds/Charter school deal

In his 2004, the school district’s auditor diagramed the relationships in the sale and subsequent lease of the Agnes McReynolds school. Celeste Lewis wore three…

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ECSD 2004 internal audit report questioned the sale of McReynolds school

Inweekly has reviewed a May 2004 internal audit report of the Jackie Harris Pyramid School of Learning (JHPSL)- currently called Jacqueline Harris Preparatory Academy. The…

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Escambia charter school pays lease on building it no longer uses

PENSACOLA: A review of four years of audited financial statements of the Jacqueline Harris Preparatory Academy, a charter school founded by former ECUA board member…

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