Does NRA control Florida Legislature

State Sen. Lauren Book, D-Plantation, yesterday filed a bill (SB 108) that would move the state’s concealed-weapons licensing program would be moved to the Florida…

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WTF: NRA TV goes after Scaborough [video]

The National Rifle Association has a message for Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski and anyone who opposes them: “Listen up! Your time is running out…The clock…

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Hammer: private dollars should pay for lobbyists, not public

In a viewpoint in the Tallahassee Democrat, NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer said that she agrees with incoming Florida House Speaker Richard Corcoran when it comes…

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Evers announces AR-15 rifle giveaway

On Father’s Day, U.S. Congressional Candidate Greg Evers announced a Facebook contest to award a custom-built AR-15 rifle to one randomly chosen resident of the…

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Florida Legislature packed with gun bills

If there’s one group that often gets its way at the Capitol, it’s the National Rifle Association — whether that’s because of ideology or the…

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NRA wins appeal, doctors can not ask patients if they own guns

The United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit has ruled that doctors do not have the right to ask patients if they own…

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Scott earns NRA love

By JIM TURNER THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA Gov. Rick Scott appears nearly bulletproof right now in the eyes of the National Rifle Association. That…

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House adds ammo to ban on insurers discriminating against gun owners

Insurance companies could face tougher penalties if they impose higher rates or take other actions against auto or homeowner policyholders due to lawful gun ownership…

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Uh, one more gun bill. This time it involves schools and NRA. What could go wrong?

By Margie Menzek, The News Service of Florida A bill backed by the National Rifle Association that lawmakers said would add “common sense” to zero-tolerance…

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Yes, sir. Florida Legislature has another gun bill

By Jim Turner, The News Service of Florida Insurance companies could face tougher penalties if they impose higher rates, refuse to issue or cancel auto…

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