Which is more important – a life or boathouse

My Outtakes column this week gives another example of how government has money to spend on the projects it wants. Others are delayed and “slow walked.” West Cervantes Street is a deathtrap for pedestrians and will continue to be one for another seven years, unless elected officials make it a priority. Meanwhile, the budget for a community center was increased $2 million without an objection from the city council.

People vs. Boathouse

On Friday, Jan. 5, Nancy Jean Jenkins, 55, was hit by a car while trying to cross West Cervantes Street near Attucks Court. She died the next morning. In March, Faith Shoemore, 39, walked onto Cervantes Street just east of H Street around 8 p.m. and was hit. She died a short time later.

Raymond Reese thinks both deaths were preventable if only Cervantes had better lighting. In April 2012, he nearly killed a child who wandered onto Cervantes around 7:30 p.m.

Read the rest on inweekly.net.
