American Lung Association wants age for tobacco sales raised to 21

The American Lung Association’s latest “State of Tobacco Control” report has found that in 2016 Florida failed to do enough to implement proven-effective policies that…

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Watch for how medical marijuana is implemented

By DARA KAM THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA A key senator Thursday released the Legislature’s first attempt at carrying out a constitutional amendment that broadly…

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A man saved by Ashley Hardaway Theriot

When Ashley passed, she became an organ donor. She has impacted the lives of at least eight people. The New York Post reported on how…

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Gaetz: Obamacare repeal begins today

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL1) said on “Pensacola Speaks” yesterday that the repeal of Obamacare will begin today. The House of Representatives will pass the Senate…

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Sacred Heart to open clinics in Walgreens

Walgreens and Sacred Heart Health System have signed an agreement to have Sacred Heart operate and provide all clinical services at four retail health clinics…

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Three out of four Pensacola voters wanted medical marijuana

The City of Pensacola voters overwhelmingly voted for Amendment 2 that legalized medical marijuana in Florida. In fact, the City had a slightly higher percentage in favor…

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Rick Scott possible pick for Health and Human Services secretary

Politico has speculated that Florida Gov. Rick Scott is a contender to be Donald Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, as is Dr. Ben…

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Preterm birth rate in Florida increases. Escambia County drops but not for black mothers

Florida’s preterm birth rate increased slightly to 10 percent in 2015 from 9.9 percent in 2014, according to the 2016 March of Dimes Premature Birth…

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Obamacare premiums in Florida jump 17 percent, but no increase with tax credit

Health insurance premiums on the Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces were announced earlier this week. Nationally, the average rate increase is projected to 22 percent, before…

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Teen birth rates drop steeply nationally and locally

Teen births hit a new low in 2015 nationally, statewide and in Escambia County. The birth rates dropped by nearly half. New federal data shows…

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Study: April 2014 floods led to increase in respiratory problems

University of West Florida researchers helped author a first-of-its-kind study that assessed the health effects of the devastating flood that struck the Pensacola area in…

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Scott ask Congress to act on Zika

By LLOYD DUNKELBERGER THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA With 70 confirmed cases resulting from Florida mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus, Gov. Rick Scott traveled to…

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