McCarthy drops out of House Speaker race, Rep. Jolly on ‘Pensacola Speaks this afternoon

Rep. Kevin McCarthy surprised his colleagues and dropped out of the House Speaker race. He will remain as House Majority Leader. Florida Congressman David Jolly…

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City to survey residents

Press release: Community survey to commence this weekend Residents of Pensacola will again have an opportunity to tell what they think about the key services…

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Anti-corruption bill has sponsors in Florida Legislature

Representative Ritch Workman and Senator Don Gaetz issued the following Joint Statement on Wednesday: “We are pleased to join in sponsoring legislation to strengthen State…

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Fountain: Please send this back to planning board

Veronica Fountain thought that today’s council vote on correcting the zoning of her neighborhood, which is around the old Pickens school site, so that it…

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Sugar, Spice and more update

Spice: News reports have confirmed that Ben Galecki and Burton Ritchie were picked up by the U.S. Marshals for a federal grand jury indictment along…

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Tallahassee team going after JetBlue

The City of Tallahassee, the Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce and Sachs Media have joined forces to recruit JetBlue to use the Tallahassee International Airport. The…

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DOH slow to announce medical pot licenses

By JIM SAUNDERS THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA With the Department of Health unable to say when licenses will be issued in the state’s new…

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Jayer Williamson and his political future

Santa Rosa County Jayer Williamson talks about his political future on “Pensacola Speaks.” He has announced that he will forego another term. He will not…

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Buzz: Marie Young has inside track to school board seat

Inweekly has heard a familiar face may return to Escambia County politics–Marie Young. Escambia County School Board Member Linda Moultrie has announced that she is…

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New poll: Bush in trouble in Florida

By JIM SAUNDERS THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA Floridians continue to flirt with outsiders in the presidential campaign — and that could be bad news…

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City staff adds new wrinkle to zoning change for Pickens School neighborhood

The Pensacola City Council is set approve a zoning change to the neighborhood around the old Pickens school—the site where Manna Food Pantries wanted to…

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Ritchie picked up too

Ben Galecki’s partner, Burton Ritchie, also has been picked up by the US marshals. He is in the Santa Rosa County Jail. His mugshot is…

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