Hayward sends staff on road trip to New York and D.C.

In his latest “Upwords” newsletter, Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward said that his Constituent Services team, the group that manages the city’s automated citizen complaint system…

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WCOA hit by lightning

We are waiting to see if engineers can get us on air. We have it fixed in time.

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Quint Studer on ‘Pensacola Speaks’ today at 5 p.m.

Quint Studer will discuss today his decision to withdraw his offers for parcels 3, 6 and 9 at the Community Maritime Park. He told me…

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Mayor goes to Facebook to defend his decision on Studer leases

The media has heard little from Mayor Ashton Hayward since the Studers withdrew their offers for three parcels at the Community Maritime Park. Some might…

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Fountain and Remington take to the air waves on Studer leases

Pensacola’s Chief Operations Officer, Tamara Fountain, was interviewed this morning by Andrew McKay on News Radio 1620. Fountain said Mayor Ashton Hayward and Council President…

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Studer Leases: Negotiation strategy fails, CMPA chair embarrassed

Council President Andy Terhaar stopped by the Inweekly offices. He said he saw yesterday’s press release by the mayor’s office as part of the negotiations….

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Studers’ message to Mayor Ashton Hayward and Council President Andy Terhaar

From: <Quint@studergroup.com> Date: July 23, 2015 at 9:52:07 PM CDT To: Ashton Hayward <ashtonhayward@yahoo.com>, Terhaar Andy <aterhaar@cityofpensacola.com>, “Reeves, James J. Esq.” <jjreeves@bellsouth.net>, John Daniel <JPD@beggslane.com>, Remington Scott <SREMINGT@cphlaw.com>…

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Studer reacts to Hayward rejecting CMPA leases. He withdraws offers.

Quint Studer said tonight the proposed UWF Center for Entrepreneurship, conference center, and child care facility for the Community Maritime Park won’t work after Mayor…

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Mayor Hayward rejects CMPA leases

Mayor Ashton Hayward and Council President Andy Terhaar announced this afternoon they have rejected the leases that CMPA approved for Studers to develop parcels 3,…

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New Emerald Coastkeeper

We received this email: After a lot of hard work and perserverance, Emerald Coastkeeper is up and running! We are stronger now than we have…

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Pot petition heads to election supervisors

BY DARA KAM THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA Supporters of a proposed constitutional amendment that would legalize medical marijuana this week sent 100,000 petitions to…

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Is $15 minimum wage in the future for Florida workers?

State Senator Dwight Bullard, D-Miami, has filed a bill (SB 6) that would raise Florida’s minimum wage to $15 an hour. This past year, Bullard…

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