ARB tabled 72 items from 2012 through 2015

A review of the minutes of the City of Pensacola’s Architectural Review Board revealed the board tabled 72 agenda items from January 2012 through December…

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City of Pensacola must deal with ARB challenge to Bowling opinion

When the City of Pensacola’s Architectural Review Board met yesterday, the members felt it was important to make clear their position on how it treats…

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Hayward: City of Pensacola following the process on John Sunday House

On his weekly segment on 1620, Mayor Ashton Hayward discussed the demolition permit issued for the John Sunday House. Hayward said that he and City…

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It is official: John Sunday demolition stayed, ARB seeks assistance from Pensacola City Attorney

Elizabeth Schrey received late yesterday a copy of the letter sent by Bill Weeks, who heads the City’s Inspection Services, to contractor Greg English. The…

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City Attorney opines Council resolutions are not necessarily binding

Pensacola City Attorney Lysia Bowling has issued her legal opinion on whether resolutions adopted by the Pensacola City Council are binding if the mayor does…

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Inweekly prepares Public Records lawsuit against City Attorney

Apparently City Attorney Lysia Bowling’s public record training didn’t take. Since March 29, Inweekly has attempted to get public records concerning the city’s random drug…

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Pensacola City Attorney opines council resolution on city hall access not binding

City Attorney Lysia Bowling has rendered an opinion that the resolution passed by the Pensacola City Council granting them access to city hall without an…

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Council access to city staff for inquiries determined in 2012 court case

In 2012, Circuit Judge J. Scott Duncan ruled that individual Pensacola City Council members have the power to make good faith, bona fide inquiries of…

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City produces missing documents before council meeting

City Administrator Eric Olson delivered to the city council a slew of documents regarding the Long Hollow Radio Tower just hours before its meeting yesterday….

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Hawkshaw RFP reconsideration disappears from CRA agenda

Last week, Inweekly asked Pensacola City Attorney Lysia Bowling for an opinion on Councilman Larry Johnson’s recommendation for the Community Redevelopment Agency to reconsider its…

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Planning board members say they relied on city staff

Planning Board member Scott Sallis read a written statement into the record at the Aug. 11 board meeting. He said that he voted on the…

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PBR: Olson has his own cover-up

While his co-leader, COO Tamara Fountain, is battling to keep her job, City Administrator Eric Olson has some explaining to do about the Planning Department…

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