Net worths of Florida Cabinet reported

By JIM TURNER THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA Gov. Rick Scott’s net worth dropped nearly 19 percent — mainly due to a reduction in the…

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Volkswagen to pay more than $570 Million for emissions fraud

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi today announced a settlement requiring Volkswagen to pay more than $570 million for violating state laws prohibiting unfair or deceptive…

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Backroom Briefing: Pam Bondi vs. Anderson Cooper

Weekly political notes from The News Service of Florida By JIM TURNER THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA Making the rounds to friendly media outlets, Attorney…

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Backroom Briefing: Trump causes heartburn for Bondi

(Weekly political notes from The News Service of Florida) By BRANDON LARRABEE THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, who was one…

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Florida joins suit against Delaware for unclaimed money orders

Attorney General Pam Bondi today joined 20 other state attorneys general in an original action filed in the U.S. Supreme Court against Delaware. The states…

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Bondi endorses Trump

By BRANDON LARRABEE THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA Yesterday Attorney General Pam Bondi became the highest-ranking state official to endorse Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner…

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Ingram-sponsored bill passed that closes legal loopholes for Spice and other synthetic drugs

Last week, the Florida House unanimously voted last week in favor of the HB 1347, sponsored by Representative Clay Ingram, which allows for categorically outlawing…

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Weekly State Capital Roundup: Hoping for a happy ending

By BRANDON LARRABEE THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA Budgets have been approved. Committee meetings are dropping off. And the major differences between the House and…

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Bondi punts on EDATES and Enterprise zones

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has decided to not issue an opinion on Florida’s Enterprise Zones and EDATES. Instead, she has recommended that Escambia County…

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Bondi will not challenge medical pot amendment

Though continuing to express concerns about a proposed constitutional amendment that would legalize medical marijuana, Attorney General Pam Bondi is not challenging the wording of…

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Bondi calls Bloomberg a ‘bully’

Attorney General Pam Bondi defended Florida’s environmental record and called former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg a “billionaire bully” after she became a target…

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Bondi early favorite for U.S. Senate in 2016

GOP insiders keep telling me that Marco Rubio will run for president and forego an second term in the U.S. Senate. If he does, then…

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