Buzz: Gulf Power prez stepping down

Sources have shared that Marlene Santos, president of Gulf Power, is stepping down after spending 39 years of service with Florida Power & Light. Santos,…

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CPAC re-thinks policing in ‘Post-Modern Era’

by Jeremy Morrison, Inweekly The discussions were denser, and the participation greater Thursday night during the second in a pair of town halls for Pensacola’s…

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Pensacola Bay Bridge: Partial opening next month; four lanes by Memorial Day

Press Release: After a recent assessment of the repairs to the Pensacola Bay Bridge, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has announced its plan to…

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What did commercial real estate brokers say about OLF-8?

DPZ CoDesign last August survey the members of NAIOP - professionals involved in commercial real estate. According to its website, the local chapter has 90+ members….

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Navy Federal’s recreation facilities

As part of its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for 98 acres of Outlying Landing Field 8 (OLF-8), Navy Federal Credit Union (NFCU) agreed to build…

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Bender presents hybrid plan for OLF-8

Commission chairman Robert Bender yesterday held a Zoom meeting with Navy Federal Credit Union, FloridaWest, PEDC, DPZ CoDesign and the county. The group agreed on…

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Buzz: Pensacola Bay Bridge opens two lanes by late March

Inweekly has received several phone calls about what FDOT will announce this afternoon at press conference. The latest buzz is two lanes will open by…

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What did community tell DPZ CoDesign that it wanted at OLF-8

Inweekly has tried to find out what the community and stakeholders  told DPZ CoDesign that they wanted at Outlying Landing Field 8 (OLF-8). DPZ sent…

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DPZ Committee of the Whole recap

I’ve hit you with a lot of information about DPZ CoDesign’s presentation last week and the commissioners’ reaction. Here’s the recap: The County Project manager’s…

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DPZ: Timeline… may be decided on Feb. 18

Is the proposed project timeline acceptable? Commissioner Bender opened, “I think one, we’d like to see this move forward in some respect and to get…

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DPZ: Type of jobs for OLF-8

What are the desired job types? Commissioner Barry said, “As Commissioner Bergosh mentioned, outside of anything with smokestacks, anything contained within a building, in my…

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DPZ Market Study mystery solved

The emails released by DPZ last week showed that News Journal and Bill Pearson, Navy Federal’s public affairs manager, had the OLF-8 market study weeks…

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