Sept. 22 podcasts: Pensacola history and Northwest Florida high school athletics

Yesterday, I interviewed University of Houston professor Matt Clavin about Pensacola serving as refuge for runaway slaves in the decades before the Civil War. I…

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Step Up for Kids: childhood hunger in our community

Covenant Hospice, Gulf Power, Levin Law Firm, Farm Share, Public Policy 4 Kids, The Pensacola Welcome Committee and Every Child Matters Education Fund are co-sponsoring…

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Free entrance to all National Parks on Saturday

Press release: This Saturday, September 26, celebrate National Public Lands Day by heading to a national park to play, learn, serve, or work. The 22nd…

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Jeb Bush announces Escambia County campaign team

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has announced his Escambia County campaign team. It’s a Who’s Who of community leaders and elected officials. Mayor Ashton Hayward…

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UWF men’s soccer makes Top 20

Press release: The University of West Florida men’s soccer team moved up in the National Soccer Coaches Association of America rankings on Tuesday, leaping eight…

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History: Philip D. Beall Sr. Memorial Bridge

With all the discussion of the $600-million replacement for the bridge that connects Pensacola and Gulf Breeze, I thought you might enjoy reading this “Public…

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Outside agencies may have funding issues at BCC

At tonight’s budget hearing, Escambia County Board of County Commissioners is voting on the funding for outside agencies. According to county staff, several well-known agencies…

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Podcast: Underhill says infrastructure is key to economic development

Escambia County Commissioner Doug Underhill came on “Pensacola Speaks” yesterday to give us an update on what is happening in the southwest portion of the…

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Education board pushes for higher standards

By BRANDON LARRABEE THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA State Board of Education members are pushing for Florida officials to use the transition to a new…

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President to address Panhandle Tiger Bay Club….’Jefferson,’ not Obama

Press release: “President Thomas Jefferson” to address the Panhandle Tiger Bay Club on Saturday, Sept. 26! As we look forward to the 2016 elections, who…

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On Pensacola Speaks: author tells how Pensacola resisted slavery before the Civil War

Today, I will interview Matthew Clavin, a history professor at the University of Houston, on his new book, “Aiming for Pensacola: Fugitive Slaves on the…

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Scott proposes $19 million in mental health spending

Gov. Rick Scott said Monday he will propose more than $19 million for mental-health and substance-abuse treatment services in his recommended budget for the 2016-2017…

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