No homicides in 2017, a tribute to PPD and news reporting

In November 2016, Chief David Alexander told the Pensacola City Council that little could be done about the rise of homicides inside the city limits….

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Session tells U.S. attorneys to enforce federal cannabis laws, Gaetz objects

Today, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Department of Justice has rescinded the “Cole Memo” and two additional memos related to marijuana enforcement…

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Appeal delays new penalty phase for Patrick Gonzalez

The new sentencing hearing for the murderer of Bud and Melanie Billings has been delayed while the Florida Supreme Court hears his latest appeal. Last…

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City Planning: Different rules, different maps for different folks

The recent debate over the validity of the city’s online maps and whether developers and the public can rely on them isn’t a new problem…

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Handful of new laws take effect with new year

By JIM TURNER THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA THE CAPITAL, TALLAHASSEE, January 2, 2018……… Six bills from the 2017 legislative session became effective with the…

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Top 10 Inweekly arts, music and entertainment stories

Foo Foo Fest 2017 Don’t say there’s nothing to do in Pensacola. Hangout Fest 2017 Inweekly team covered this music festival as only it could….

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Top 10 Inweekly news stories of 2017

Which Side Are You On? One of William Faulkner’s most quoted lines still speaks to us today: “The past is never dead. It’s not even…

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Grimsley donates Latvala money to charity…Mike Hill?

Scott Powers of Florida Politics reports that Agriculture Commissioner candidate Sen. Denise Grimsly has directed her campaign and PAC to donate money received for Sen….

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City financial report shows Port of Pensacola struggling

In November, we reported on the financial problems at the Port of Pensacola. The unaudited financial statements that CFO Dick Barker gave the Pensacola City…

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UWF Commencement honors Marny Gilluly, Fred Levin

The University of West Florida hosted its Fall 2017 Commencement at the Pensacola Bay Center. Addressing 1,636 graduates, UWF President Martha Saunders noted the significance…

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Perdido Key – Wildlife Destination of the Year

The Luxury Travel Guide recognized Perdido Key as the Wildlife Destination of the Year for 2017.Perdido Key, as few may know, is filled with hidden…

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Beach Club Towers and Portofino prevail in appellate court

The First District Court of Appeal (First DCA) has rejected six challenges brought by the Escambia County Property Appraiser and Tax Collector to recent appellate…

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