Mayor’s attorney injects himself in CRA meetings with its attorney

Attorney Tom Cloud yesterday notified Councilwoman Sherri Myers that he had not consented to her and her fellow council members meeting alone with the CRA’s…

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Tanyard Neighborhood Association wants fish hatchery elsewhere

Officers of the Tanyard Neighborhood Association sent an email to the media stating their association “is not against the hatchery… just the location.” They don’t…

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Port of Pensacola revenues drop over half million in FY 2017, over a $1.1 million since FY 2012

The Port of Pensacola saw its four primary revenue sources drop over half a million dollars last year, according to unaudited financial report obtained by…

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Poll: Pensacola residents more dissatisfied with city infrastructure than in 2016

  While Mayor Ashton Hayward is touting his success in rebuilding the city’s infrastructure, the latest Inweekly-Political Matrix poll shows that citizens are more dissatisfied…

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Bungled approval of airline agreements, missed win

Since 2008, the airlines at the Pensacola International Airport have operated without a long-term agreements. The month-to-month contracts have negatively impacted the airport’s bond ratings….

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Questions abound re:Bayview Community Center

People have begun to forward Inweekly their concerns regarding the $8.2 million Bayview Community Center that Mayor Ashton Hayward presented to the Pensacola City Council…

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Major Port of Pensacola revenues dropped nearly 30 percent since FY 2012, expected to drop another 21 percent in FY 2018

The Port of Pensacola’s four major revenue sources dropped nearly 30 percent from FY 2012 to FY 2016, according the city’s budget documents. The actual…

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City of Pensacola has yet to close sale of Blount School property

Six months after the Pensacola City Council approved the sale of the old Blount School property to local developer ParsCo LLC, the county property appraiser’s…

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DEP advertises for fish hatchery bids

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has posted its invitation for bids for the Florida Gulf Coast Marine Fisheries Hatchery and Enhancement Center. A mandatory…

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City removes Corinne Jackson marker from Corinne Jones Park

The Corinne Jackson marker has been removed from Pensacola’s Corinne Jones Park. The marker, which misidentified African-American icon Corinne Jones, the first director of the…

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For the record: Mitigation and conservation areas of Bruce Beach

Above is the map that was included in the Biological Assessment of Bruce Beach, completed in 2013. There are two mitigation areas – City of…

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Plaque controversy: Corinne vs. Corrine, Jackson vs. Jones

On Tuesday, Dr. Gloria Horning sent an email on behalf of the Tanyard Neighborhood Association to CRA Director Helen Gibson regarding the Corinne Jackson plaque…

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