City of Pensacola changes its position on Tanyards construction

City Administrator Eric Olson has changed his position on the public safety concerns at city’s Government Street Stormwater Project, two blocks from City Hall. Two…

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City makes more updates to Government Street project page (update)

The City of Pensacola made additional updates to its page concerning the Government Street Stormwater Project. For the first time, residents can see on the…

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Olson misses the point about Tanyards

Yesterday, Pensacola City Administrator Eric Olson didn’t meet with the residents of the Tanyard neighborhood, but he did meet with City Councilwoman Sherri Myers. Myers…

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Pensacola City Administrator approved Tanyard equipment working through the night

Yesterday, we had a call on “Pensacola Speaks” from a Tanyard resident near the City of Pensacola’s Government Street stormwater project. Despite complaints from residents…

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City Administrator outlines proposed Pensacola Workforce Housing program

Marcie Whitaker, City of Pensacola Housing Administrator, outlined Mayor Ashton Hayward’s workforce housing program during the agenda review on Dec. 5. Introducing Whitaker’s presentation, City…

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Pensacola Councilwoman asks Administrator to help Tanyards

Councilwoman Sherri Myers sent this email this morning to City Administrator Eric Olson with a link to our post on the problems at the Government…

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Inaccurate City of Pensacola website hampers accountability

Mayor Ashton Hayward  has proclaimed often that  transparency, and accountability are cornerstones of his administration. Unfortunately, the reality doesn’t match the rhetoric. He declared in his first…

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Residents around Blount site know nothing of Hayward redevelopment plan

Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward and his staff have been working for months on a plan for the redevelopment of the Blount Middle School site on…

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Government St. groundwater clean up begins

City Administrator Eric Olson last week told the Pensacola City Council the groundwater cleanup at the site of Corrine Jones-Government St. stormwater pond was scheduled…

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How to hide nearly $150K in payouts from the Pensacola City Council and taxpayers

In August and September of 2015, Mayor Ashton Hayward paid his former COO Tamara Fountain $54,002 as part of a mutual termination agreement and another…

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City administrator contracts had plenty of perks

Since he took office in January 2011, Mayor Ashton Hayward has had four city administrators. Bill Reynolds started work in August 2011. Colleen Castille replaced…

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Mayor Hayward pays out severance packages, totaling more than $100K

When she announced her resignation in August 2014, City Administrator Colleen Castille made it sound like it was the natural end to a one-year commitment….

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