Awaiting the Deep

  The memorial-barge artificial reef is almost ready. It’s docked over by Joe Patti’s Seafood, waiting for Friday morning. “All we lack now is sinking…

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Gathering for the Hunt

The men who will help steer the selection of Escambia County’s next administrator gathered for their initial meeting today. They were introduced to huge binders…

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Local EPA Hearing on Gulf Drilling Permit

The Environmental Protection Agency has scheduled a public hearing on BHP Billiton Petroleum’s request to waive current emission regulations in pursuit of oil and natural…

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Escambia’s Big Gamble, or ‘No Blinking’

The Escambia County Commission has decided to take over operations of the Escambia County Jail. The move follows fruitless negotiations with the Escambia County Sheriff,…

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Down at the Crossroads

With nearly all the players in the same room, the discussion roamed until it was exhausted. That journey continues tonight during the Escambia County Commission’s…

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Pointing Fingers and Finding Solutions

The Escambia County School Board took another step yesterday in the reconfiguration of Lincoln Park Elementary School. Although the school’s proponents lobbied for further consideration…

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Touart’s On the List

There are a number of last-minute applicants looking to land the county administrator position with Escambia County. Among them, is the man currently serving on…

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Lincoln Park Shake-Up?

A group of Lincoln Park Elementary School teachers went to visit with Escambia County School District Superintendent Malcolm Thomas this week. According to Principal Christine…

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No Panhandling in the Upside

The final installment of the so-called ‘homeless’ ordinances was approved by the Pensacola City Council last night. The new ordinance targets panhandling. “I know it’s…

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Brush Strokes and Non-Starters

It’s unclear what course of action the Escambia County Commission will take in response to the recent U.S. Department of Justice investigation into the operations…

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Escambia Eyes ECAT

Since March, Escambia County Director of Human Relations Tom Turner has been interviewing mass transit employees following complaints about the system’s management company. “Right or…

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McKenzie Appointed as NLG VP

Local attorney Alistair McKenzie was recently appointed Regional Vice President for the National Lawyers Guild. He will be working with Guild chapters across the South….

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