Is the BCC-ECSO mediation agreement binding?

Yesterday, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office (ECSO) issued a press release stating that Sheriff David Morgan would not accept the mediation agreement approved the Escambia…

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Sheriff releases official statement on budget impasse

From the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office: “The attempt to resolve the budget appeal through mediation appears to have been unsuccessful. “Based on communication after the…

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Sheriff rejects mediation agreement

Sheriff David Morgan has rejected the mediation agreement that would have given his agency $9.1 million over the next four years for pay raises for…

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Outside agency allocation schedule not part of agreement

According to Commissioner Grover Robinson, the new allocation schedule that was given to Inweekly with the mediation agreement is not part of the agreement. He…

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County and Sheriff have budget agreement

County Administrator Jack Brown and Sheriff David Morgan have offered a mediation agreement to the Escambia Board of County Commissioners: 1. The first year, the…

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League has two upcoming meetings

The League of Women Voters Pensacola Bay Area has two meeting scheduled: C. A. Weis Community School Speaker: Holly Magee, Principal of Weis Community School,….

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Campaign reports for County Commission seats

Update: Robert Bender’s campaign report has been uploaded to SOE website since this post was published The February campaigns have begun to be posted to…

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Breaking news: BCC and Sheriff could be close to settling budget dispute

The Escambia Board of County Commissioner has called a “shade meeting” to discuss Sheriff David Morgan’s pending budget appeal before the Administration Commission. Inweekly has…

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Another rough week for local gun violence

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office dealt with SWAT standoff, a shoot-out between people in two vehicles and a man found shot on Frontera Circle–within a…

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Panhandle leads state in preventable ER visits

The latest Quarterly Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Report from the Agency for Health Care Administration showed Region 1, which covers the panhandle from Panama City…

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Underhill cleared of ethics violation claim

County Press Release: District 2 Commissioner Doug Underhill appeared in front of the State of Florida Commission on Ethics today, March 9, in Tallahassee where…

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State budget could put pressure on county and city to raise pay for deputies and cops

The News Service of Florida reports that the state budget has a 7 percent pay raise for law-enforcement officers in the Florida Highway Patrol, the…

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