Presser notes: Monuments and masks

By Jeremy Morrison Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson now finds himself needing to caveat a recent decision by the Pensacola City Council to remove a Confederate…

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Dr. Lanza on schools re-opening

“I decided, let me just ask my 9-year-old granddaughter what she prefers…She said she would much rather be at school with teachers and friends.” by…

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County more like WD than Publix

The Florida Times-Union reports that Winn Dixie doesn’t require its employees to work face coverings and has no plans to mandate for its customers. “We…

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COVID deaths up three for Escambia

Escambia County had three COVID-19 deaths recorded for Sunday, July 19 – which brings the July total to 17 and 61 deaths year-to-date. The county’s…

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Contact tracing woes

With the number of COVID-19 cases doubling in Escambia County since June 30, Dr. John Lanza, the soon-to-be retired director of the Department of Health…

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Jail guards discourage COVID testing

Commissioners Steven Barry and Lumon May have asked County Administrator Janice Gilley to test all the inmates in the Escambia County Jail. As Friday, July…

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Poll: Parents want to delay school openings

On Sunday, July 19, Inweekly had The Political Matrix poll 1,000 parents which children in Escambia County public schools.  Nearly two-thirds of them are uncomfortable…

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Compare FDOE reopening plan with Thomas’ plan

Today is the deadline for parents in Escambia to notify the school district whether their children will attend school, take classes online or will be…

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200+ COVID cases daily new norm for Escambia

Escambia County has 211 new cases, another death and a positivity rate of 14.2% on 1364 test results for July 17. On June 17, Escambia…

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Mask message from Walmart

Imagine if County Administrator Janice Gilley cared as much about her employees and the  public and sent out this message. We can’t get her to…

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Judge issues temporary injunction blocking monument removal

Judge Gary Bergosh has issued an Emergency Temporary Restraining Order that blocks the city from removing the Confederate monument in Pensacola’s recently renamed Florida Square…

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Hospitalizations at West Florida – up a third

West Florida Hospital – and Santa Rosa Medical – have added 16 COVID-19 patients this week – from 48 to 64.  From July 1-8, the…

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