38th Chip Boes Championship Basketball Camp starts next month

The 38th Chip Boes Championship Basketball Camp hosted by the City of Pensacola Department of Parks and Recreation Sports Speciality Summer Camp Program will conduct…

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East Hill Neighborhood Association installs Little Free Library tomorrow

The East Hill Neighborhood Association Board of Directors will be installing a Little Free Library at OJ Semmes Elementary School on Tuesday, May 23 at…

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State concealed-weapon database hacked

From The News Service of Florida: Nearly 500 people may have had their Social Security numbers obtained in a data breach at the Florida Department…

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Videos of Carpenter’s Creek clean-up

This past weekend, the Emerald Coastkeepers led another clean-up of Carpenter’s Creek. Councilwoman Sherri Myers took these videos of the effort. She gave me this…

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City of Pensacola holds first public input meeting of 2017

Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward will seek public input for the new community center in one of the city’s most popular parks. The City of Pensacola…

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Florida Senate budget chair wants a veto, too

By Duwayne Escobedo INWEEKLY Florida Sen. Jack Latvala told the Tiger Bay Club Friday that he asked Gov. Rick Scott to veto the education spending…

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Escambia County third reading performance rises above state average for first time

Congratulations to the parents, teachers and volunteers who worked hard to improve reading performance in our area. The Florida Department of Education has released the…

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Event Reminder: Pensacola Lionfish Removal and Awareness Day Festival, May 20-21

The third annual Pensacola Lionfish Removal and Awareness Day Festival will take place Saturday and Sunday May 20-21 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at…

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Temporary help for families in crisis

EscaRosa Coalition On the Homeless currently has funds available for families through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) grant to assist local families with…

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State college presidents ask Scott to veto education budget [podcast]

Dr. Ed Meadows, president of Pensacola State College, believes the education budget passed by the Florida Legislature increases funding for the elite universities on the…

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Studer: Employees are not stolen [podcast]

On “Pensacola Speaks,” Quint Studer tackled the myth that companies steal employees from other businesses. It’s the topic on his next column for the Pensacola…

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Hands Across the Sand

350 Pensacola and Oceana to Host Hands Across the Sand Event on Pensacola Beach Event to Oppose New Efforts to Expand Dirty and Dangerous Offshore…

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