Gaetz: Can the Gulf Coast triumph? Yes

Viewpoint BY DON GAETZ Northwest Florida has taken it hard in the gut from the forces of nature and the folly of man. The Deepwater…

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Looking for IP’s Monster Under the Bed

Following lengthy criticism of local press coverage concerning the environmental impacts International Paper’s operation has on Perdido Bay, a pair of Escambia County commissioners are…

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History lesson: Nineteen years ago, IP promised no discharges into waterways

PENSACOLA: In 2000, International Paper bought Champion International and acquired the Pensacola Mill in Cantonment as part of the deal. IP officials pledged to get…

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More thoughts on IP environmental issues

PENSACOLA: This week, I received this from John Nixon of Phenix Environmental Response, LLC in response to our article “Can IP Lower Environmental Bar?” Nixon…

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A Day for the Dunes, Sept. 28

NAVARRE: Dune Doctors, the Fabien Cousteau Ocean Learning Center (FCOLC) and the Navarre Beach Marine Science Center will host A Day for the Dunes Oct. 28

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Should FDEP cut IP a break?

PENSACOLA–Following the explosion at the International Paper mill in Cantonment in 2017, Jackie Lane began to notice something different in Perdido Bay. “It just immediately…

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Concerns raised over International Paper bond hearing omission

PENSACOLA–The exchange, hidden within the confines of a TEFRA bond hearing, was so surreally weird as to be absurd. It involved a back-and-forth with Escambia…

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Pensacola Climate Strike releases list of speakers and performers

PENSACOLA—Join 350 Pensacola and millions around the world for a global climate strike. On September 20, people will walk out of school, work, and home…

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Pensacola to assess athletic field chemicals

by Jeremy Morrison, Inweekly The city of Pensacola’s Environmental Advisory Board will be looking into exactly what chemicals are used to care for municipal athletic…

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Time Machine: BP, The Beast and Olbermann

In our July 18 issue, I write about how our newspaper garnered national attention when we became affiliated with The Daily Beast. When BP’s Deepwater…

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Andrade town hall: Laws, Learning and Sewage

by Jeremy Morrison, Inweekly Three of the region’s elected officials held court in Escambia High School’s library Tuesday evening for the Westside Town Hall. During…

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Presser: Water bottles and drive-bys

by Jeremy Morrison, Inweekly There was considerable ground to cover Monday morning during his weekly press conference, but first Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson needed a…

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