UWF Theatre Dept tackles ‘A Christmas Carol’

The University of West Florida Department of Theatre will celebrate the 10th anniversary production of “A Christmas Carol – A Ghost Story of Christmas,” a…

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Which precincts loved medical marijuana the most

Of Escambia County’s 79 precincts, only Pensacola Christian College voted against Amendment 2. Here are the precincts listed by largest margins for the Medical Marijuana amendment. Precinct…

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Which Escambia precincts loved Trump the most, the least

On Friday, Escambia County Supervisor of Elections David Stafford released the election results for each precinct. Here the top 10 precincts that gave Donald Trump…

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What does the Pensacola Powder Keg look like?

Quint Studer believes that the westside of Pensacola is a powder keg. He wants to see economic development in that part of town. It’s why…

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A.C. Read course featured

Secretary of State Ken Detzner announced the A.C. Read Golf Club, located at the Naval Air Station Pensacola as this month’s featured course on the…

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Why is Gulf of Mexico in five-year drilling plan?

Mary Gutierrez of Earth Action and other local environmentalists are concerned the Department of Interior has kept the Gulf Of Mexico in its five-year plan…

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Pensacola Police Chief says little can be done about rise in homicides

The City of Pensacola homicide rate is the highest since 2012. The Pensacola Police Chief and Mayor were much more proactive about combating the violent…

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EPA partners with Escambia County to clean up Bayou Chico

The U.S. EPA Gulf of Mexico Program recently announced that the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners has received a $295,500 cooperative agreement for the…

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Highlights of Nov. 17 edition of Inweekly

What is in this week’s Inweekly? Cover What Now? In light of everything that’s currently happening as a response to the election, we asked a…

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Pensacola Heritage Foundation receives gift from Sister City in Spain

This week, the Gálvez Monument Project received a meaningful gift from the society known as the Granaderos y Damas de Gálvez (soldiers and women of…

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Pensacola Mardi Gras begins Jan. 6

PENSACOLA, FLA. (November 17, 2016) — The new year can only mean one thing in the Pensacola Bay Area: swarms of beads and MoonPies will…

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Inweekly and Sen. Sessions

The weeks before the election, U.S. Sen. Jeff Session (R-Ala.) earned his place by Donald Trump’s side campaigning for the Republican billionaire. Our reporter interviewed…

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