Dr. Lanza on schools re-opening

“I decided, let me just ask my 9-year-old granddaughter what she prefers…She said she would much rather be at school with teachers and friends.” by…

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Jail guards discourage COVID testing

Commissioners Steven Barry and Lumon May have asked County Administrator Janice Gilley to test all the inmates in the Escambia County Jail. As Friday, July…

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Poll: Parents want to delay school openings

On Sunday, July 19, Inweekly had The Political Matrix poll 1,000 parents which children in Escambia County public schools.  Nearly two-thirds of them are uncomfortable…

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Compare FDOE reopening plan with Thomas’ plan

Today is the deadline for parents in Escambia to notify the school district whether their children will attend school, take classes online or will be…

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Mask message from Walmart

Imagine if County Administrator Janice Gilley cared as much about her employees and the  public and sent out this message. We can’t get her to…

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Judge issues temporary injunction blocking monument removal

Judge Gary Bergosh has issued an Emergency Temporary Restraining Order that blocks the city from removing the Confederate monument in Pensacola’s recently renamed Florida Square…

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Escambia has ‘COVID Epidemic Outbreak’

Everywhere we look we find reports about the COVID-19 outbreak in Escambia County. Yet, the county leaders – except for Commissioner Lumon May – have…

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White House report: Escambia, Santa Rosa in Red Zone

The Center for Public Integrity yesterday published an internal White House report, dated July 14, that says that 18 states are in the “red zone”…

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Lawsuit re: Confederate monument

Inweekly has reviewed attorney David Rhodes McCallister’s lawsuit on the behalf of the Ladies Memorial Association, Randall Crooke – a representative of the Stephen Russell…

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Group tries to block removal of Confederate monument

Published as received. Apparently Mr. McCallsiter (or McCallister) doesn’t have spell-check on his Radio Shack computer. LAWSUIT FILED FILED TO PREVENT LEE SQUARE CENOTAPH REMOVAL…

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Escambia County moves past 5K cases

Escambia now has had 5,054 total COVID cases –  4424 Florida residents and 630 non-Florida residents. Florida had 13,965 new cases and surpassed yesterday’s COVID…

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School board wades into reopening schools

“You’re kind of flying by the seat of you pants.” by Jeremy Morrison, Inweekly With the start of the school year just weeks away, local…

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