City Administrator report for January

The citizens of Pensacola only hear from their city administrator once a month at the Agenda Review. He doesn’t hold town hall meetings. He doesn’t…

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League of Women Voters discuss Pipeline to Prison

Pipeline to Prison: “Resilience: the Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope” Who : League of Women Voters of the Pensacola Bay Area, ACLU,…

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If the walls of Hallmark Elementary could talk…

Last week, we learned that the City of Pensacola approved a demolition contract for Hallmark Elementary on the west side of the city. The school…

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Pensacola Bay ferry service delayed a year

Last week, Gulf Islands National Seashore, City of Pensacola, and Escambia County officials announced the delay of the Pensacola Bay ferry service which had been…

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Pensacola Police Chief wants to keep his job

Pensacola Police Chief David Alexander told the Pensacola City Council last week he wants to keep his job past his DROP date in May. At…

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Hayward administration scrambles on Tanyards project

The City of Pensacola is placing hangars on doors in the neighborhood around the Government Street Stormwater Project. Dr. Gloria Horning told Inweekly, “The city…

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Demolition Ordinance removed from Pensacola Council agenda

Proposed Amendment to Section 12-12-5 of the LDC – Historic Building Demolition Review has been removed from this evening’s 1/12/17 City Council Agenda by its…

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Remembering Ashley Hardaway Theriot

By Joani Delezen We had high hopes for 2017, but it’s already let us down and broken our hearts. It did so by taking away…

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Breakdown of Government Street Stormwater Budget

Councilwoman Sherri Myers supplied Inweekly the latest financial report on the Government Street Stormwater Project. Appropriations by Fund Total Appropriation: $3,795,122.70 Cost & Encumbered: $3,434,209.71…

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UWF Historic Trust: Want to be a part of history?

The University of West Florida Historic Trust is seeking volunteers to serve as tour guides, living history interpreters, museum store attendants, and archive and collection…

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Pensacola stormwater project dinged by DEP for several deficiencies

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection found a long list of deficiencies at the City of Pensacola Government Street Stormwater Project. Many of them were…

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City of Pensacola not using local recycling facility

Pensacola residents are not allowed to recycle glass if they use the City’s Sanitation Service, and it doesn’t look like they will in the near…

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