Tag: Pensacola Police Department
Trend: Police chief searches are more transparent
The national trend for police chief searches is for them to be open, transparent and with plenty of public input. Jennifer A. Kingson writes in…
Cedric Alexander: PPD, Defunding, Dismantling and Training (Part 2)
The week, Jeremy Morrison interviews Cedric Alexander, the retired law enforcement officer with a national reputation that is helping Mayor Grover Robinson develop a citizen…
Cedric Alexander on oversight, bias and systematic racism (Part 1)
In this week’s Inweekly, Jeremy Morrison interviews Cedric Alexander, the retired law enforcement officer with a national reputation that is helping Mayor Grover Robinson develop…
Remembering Victor Steen, the boy on a bike
Before George Floyd and Tymar Crawford, the city had the death of Victor Steen. Around 1:50 a.m. on Oct. 3, 2009, Victor was spotted by…
PPD presser: After so long, ‘relief’
DNA Technology Leads to Cold Case Arrest By Jeremy Morrison, Inweekly On New Year’s Day in 1985, Tonya McKinley’s body was found at the corner…
Tymar Crawford: Grand jury report, City response, Bodycam video
State Attorney Bill Eddins announced last Friday that the Escambia County Grand Jury has completed its review of the facts and circumstances surrounding the Officer…
Lack of transparency at Pensacola City Hall disappointing
Early Saturday morning, police fatally shot Atatiana Koquice Jefferson, 28, in Fort Worth, Texas. The body camera footage shows the perspective of the officer outside…
Dream Defenders call for firing of PPD officer
Dream Defenders has released the name of the Pensacola police officer who killed Tymar Crawford when the man got into an altercation with police after…
‘Fully staffed’ PPD short 30 officers
On Oct. 11, 2017, the City of Pensacola posted on its official Facebook page that the Pensacola Police Department was “fully staffed.” Last week, Pensacola…
Survey: PPD speaks out on pay, benefits and ‘toxic’ City Hall
The results are in on Mayor Grover Robinson’s initial survey of city employees. Employees were asked: 1. Our City of Pensacola government does many things…
PPD has its own cup of joe
The Pensacola Police Department is now in the coffee business with “Midnight Shift.” According to PPD PIO Mike Wood, “This coffee will make you hear…
‘Eye the Sky’ may patrol city streets soon
Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward and IHMC today announced a partnership between IHMC and the Pensacola Police Department to develop a police drone program to help…
City of Pensacola to beef up traffic enforcement
By Sammi Sontag INWEEKly The Pensacola Police Department and Florida Highway Patrol are joining forces to crack down on reckless drivers and traffic crashes within…
Pensacola Police Chief retires today
PPD Press Release: A law enforcement career that began 32 years ago when David Alexander III was hired by the Pensacola Police Department as a…
Mayor holds firm on police chief decision
Mayor Ashton Hayward isn’t changing his mind about David Alexander stepping down as the police chief. On next week’s city council agenda, he is recommending…